Between Christmas And New Years…

The Z Factor


Seems as though everyone takes off this week. With the exception of the protests, police shootings and North Korean/Sony Internet wars, even the news is repeating itself. I did however find these interesting You Tube videos. I posted the Disney one to FB but here it is again:

Interesting how NY has become Disneyfied but no one ever mentioned the hidden horrors Disney has kept secret. I also remember Discovery Island. Funny how that vanished. Apparently with good cause. Perhaps once we completely run out of room, Discovery Island will fall victim to Condo Cancer.

Here are a few more:

Special thanks to Danger Dolan for all these interesting videos:

And we have some more good news, Ivan is back and blogging again:

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Air Asia

Ini Kronologi Hilang Kontak Pesawat Air Asia

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Pesawat Indonesia AirAsia Pesawat type Airbus A320 dikabarkan mengalami hilang kontak. Bagaimana kronologinya?

“(Pesawat) belum ketemu. Masih hilang kontak,” kata Dirut Airnav Ignatius Bambang Tjahjono saat dihubungi, Minggu (28/12/2014).

Ia menjelaskan, bahwa pada pukul 06.16 WIB pagi, pesawat masih terlihat di radar, selanjutnya pada 06.17 pesawat hilang kontak dengan ATC, kemudian 06.18 WIB target hilang dari radar.

Ignatius menerangkan, awalnya pesawat sempat melakukan komunikasi ATC Jakarta, pukul 06.12 WIB pada ketinggian 140320.

“Pada saat kontak ATC radar Jakarta mengidentifikasi pesawat pada layar radar, pada saat kontak (pilot) pesawat menyatakan ingin menghindari awan ke arah kiri, dari rute M635 dan minta naik ke tinggian ke 38 ribu kaki,”

Dia melanjutkan, pada pukul 06.16 WIB, pesawat masih terlihat di layar radar, kendati pukul 06.17 pesawat hanya nampak sinyal. Pada saat itu sekaligus pesawat hilang kontak dengan ATC.

“Pukul 06.18 target hilang dari radar, hanya tampak flight name trek,” ujarnya.

“Dari ATC, kami sudah menyatakan interval, jadi tahap hilang kontak pada pukul 07.08, jadi alerva tahap lanjutan pesawat pada 07.28, kemudian pernyataan pesawat hilang pada 77.55.

Ia menambahkan, bahwa hingga saat ini, Tim Basarnas tengah terinformasi dan sedang melakukan pencarian. “Basarnas sedang mencari,” imbuhnya.

Pesawat jenis Airbus A320-200 ini membawa 155 penumpang, yairu 138 penumpang dewasa, 16 anak dan satu bayi, dua pilot, empat awak kabin dan satu teknisi. Pesawat diterbangkan oleh Kapten Irianto.




girl in the hat

by Kristijan Hranisavljevic by Kristijan Hranisavljevic

In the book I’m reading, I come across this passage:

There is the old story of Somerset Maugham reading Proust while crossing the desert by camel, and to lighten his load he tore out each page after reading both sides and let it fall behind him—one wants to say the wind was involved, but on most days there was no wind. With or without wind, who had a more memorable reading experience, Somerset Maugham or the one who came after him, the one who found and read a page here, a page there, in some strange new order with stellar gaps?

And of course, I must stop there and look up from the page to imagine this scene: I’ve never read anything by Somerset Maugham and I don’t know what looks like so in my mind, I give him floppy, boyish gray hair and a short gray…

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